I had rather forgotten how much I hate Northwood! At the moment the place is truly dreadful.
Arriving at night you are greeted with a wall of arc lights blinding progress in any direction. Behind the harsh lighting is a maze of massive building sites each surrounded by mud, building vehicles, miles of temporary metal fencing and an endless line of orange barriers and tape directing you in any direction other than where you need to go.
Since my last time up here they have opened the 'Visitors Centre', makes it sound like some historic sight on a holiday maker's tour of Britain. Far from it! It is possibly the largest police control building I have ever seen but is on the far side of the barrier at present so you are already in the establishment when they issue your pass. It is also the location of keys to the transit accommodation, though of course they don't tell you that until you have been to the other end of the site to discover for yourself that it is nothing at all to do with the Officer's Mess unlike the instruction given when booking the room in the first place. Oh, and there is no record of the booking with any of the duty staff; great.
And why am I here? To do a pointless and irrelevant briefing that starts at the ludicrously early time of 0800; which would be fine if the place was on the South Coast or even had a decent amount of accommodation on offer. I am not looking forward to this briefing already!